Self competition

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To live a worthy life, one must be willing to labour and work through pain. Mixing these with persistence and courage will ultimately lead to better things.
We live in a competitive society. Every facet of our life is, in some way, tied to competition. The moment of conception is the result of a fierce struggle between sperm cells. Competition begins early.

After birth, competition can take the form of sibling rivalries, academic achievements, sporting activities, boy-girl relationships and job seeking opportunities. We even carry our obsession to a spectator role. We watch people in competition. It's probably safe to say that our entire life is spent in the presence of some form of competition.

There is another form of competition which most people have difficulty in recognising. We belive competition means going through life competiting against the other fellow. But in reality, the only competition we should practice is against ourself.  i.e., Self competition.

Self-competition is an activity that produces true improvement. Beating the competition is not as important as beating your own previous personal best at doing an activity. By continually striving to improve the task, we will automatically get better. This is competition at its best. Take a few minutes to reflect on that thought. Think about a situation when you did your best. Wasn't the driving force wanting to improve on your last performance?

So compete with yourself, your abilities, your performance and become successful

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