Self concept and success



We are always responsible for everything we think, say do, or feel. We alone have the power to choose what happens to us. Often, we shortchange ourselves because we believe we are less than we actually are. We are the enemy.
It is important to have faith in our abilities, to believe in ourselves. Now, I am not suggesting conceit – that rare disease affecting everyone but the person who has it. Rather, I want to build a reasonable confidence in your own power to reach your goals. How can you do this? Success begins when we learn what it takes to build a stronger self-concept.
We don’t perform according to our actual abilities. We perform according to our perception of our abilities. Dr. Joyce Brothers, a noted psychologist, in a Parade magazine article says, “An individual’s self- concept is the core of their personality. It affects every aspect of human behavior – the ability to learn, the capacity to grow and change, the choice of mates, friends, and career. It’s no exaggeration to say that a strong, positive self-image is the best possible preparation for success in life”.
We have a blueprint of our abilities. We have our own perceived set of plans, our own life-building code. Rarely do we question its validity. We follow the plan and allow that blueprint to control every talent we have.
We must learn to control the way we think.
Our thoughts program our subconscious mind, the storehouse of all impressions. The subconscious concept without question, all thoughts received and stores them for future use. By repeating thoughts often enough, we assemble the blueprint of our belief system. Soon, right or wrong, our thoughts build our reality and become a major influence on the construction of our self-concept.
By properly controlling our thinking, we can eventually correct falsely developed deficiencies and turn our thinking around. By mastering our thoughts, we begin to master our life. The end result of this process is a blueprint that we can use to build a strong house.  All the huffing and puffing by the big bad wolf – your wrong beliefs – will never blow your house down.
Don’t add difficulties to your life by fabricating a poor self-concept of your abilities. Be a master architect working from correctly drawn plans. That is the only way to complete your house of success.

Self competition


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To live a worthy life, one must be willing to labour and work through pain. Mixing these with persistence and courage will ultimately lead to better things.
We live in a competitive society. Every facet of our life is, in some way, tied to competition. The moment of conception is the result of a fierce struggle between sperm cells. Competition begins early.

After birth, competition can take the form of sibling rivalries, academic achievements, sporting activities, boy-girl relationships and job seeking opportunities. We even carry our obsession to a spectator role. We watch people in competition. It's probably safe to say that our entire life is spent in the presence of some form of competition.

There is another form of competition which most people have difficulty in recognising. We belive competition means going through life competiting against the other fellow. But in reality, the only competition we should practice is against ourself.  i.e., Self competition.

Self-competition is an activity that produces true improvement. Beating the competition is not as important as beating your own previous personal best at doing an activity. By continually striving to improve the task, we will automatically get better. This is competition at its best. Take a few minutes to reflect on that thought. Think about a situation when you did your best. Wasn't the driving force wanting to improve on your last performance?

So compete with yourself, your abilities, your performance and become successful